Monday, February 21, 2011

dear Los Feliz

I love you! Even if you have coyotes that would eat my little dog, high rent that I can't afford, and a lack of parking. You are still amazing and I love to visit as often as possible. Especially Figaro Bistrot, yum! I never get sick of the cute men zipping around on their scooters, motorcycles, and bikes :) Or the women that look perfect, and like they just rolled out of bed. Plus, you have my favorite bookstore, Skylight Books. Until we meet again :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

dear "vintage" stores

You are NOT a true vintage store if over half of your stock is crappy used clothing that looks vintage, but was actually made in the past 10 years! Please explain to me how you justify selling this crap that I could easily find at any thrift store, at a 500% markup. I'm quite confused.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

dear nice hot men,

I hope it wasn't too obvious that I was eavesdropping on your conversation ;) But I learned a lot of interesting things and now plan on researching the auto race through Mongolia. When you both stopped to watch the dad with his ADORABLE little girl I was in awe. Then, when one of you started discussing how you couldn't wait to have kids and show them the world, I almost butted into your convo to tell you I would love to have kids with you lol. I'm totally with you on taking our kids on a safari ;)

Friday, February 18, 2011

dear old man,

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you discuss Lady Gaga's Grammy arrival. You are the most adorable old man! I love how you have breakfast at a hip French cafe in LA every morning while wearing your hat that proudly announces your participation in WWII :) The fact that you mentioned watching it on youtube was icing on the cake :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

dear people that run,

I'm quite jealous of you. How do you look so happy and bouncy when you are on your morning and/or evening run? When I run I look like I'm a slouchy mess with a major wedgie that is about to fall over. But you always look so amazing with your little ipod and dog at your side. So jealous!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

dear super bright pink frosting,

You truly are the brightest frosting I have ever seen on a cupcake. Although you were yummy, my lips and tongue are still pink lol. I guess I should just be happy that you didn't also make my teeth pink.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

dear aspiring actors,

Will you please learn to drive before you move to LA? I've almost been hit by about 5 of you and pilot season hasn't even started yet! Thanks.